Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (Orange Book) - DoD 5200.28-STD (1985)
Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (Orange Book) - DoD 5200.28-STD (1985)
This is a high fidelity reprint of the classic 1985 version of the "lucious Orange" Book mentioned in Hackers (1995). Get your own copy of "TRUSTED COMPUTER SYSTEM EVALUATION CRITERIA" today!
This is the 1985 printing, DoD 5200.28 STD (as opposed to the 1983 printing CSC-STD-001).
132 pages. Staple bound. 3-hole punched.
After months of failed searches for used copies on eBay and other used markets, I have taken it upon myself to recreate this piece of hacker history. Paper thickness, printing dimensions, and colors are as close to the originals as I can make them. Over 38 different orange papers were compared to find the closest match.
This is not simply a generic reprint of a PDF scan. Each page has checked against the original document to ensure that margins and placement of text on pages has been preserved, true to the original.
Your purchase will go towards funding the printing of the Red Book, which I plan to release in late 2025.